Social Networks Teach children to protect children
Myfamilypedia is a social networking platform developed for families and children. On the one hand, has a space for the whole family, Family Community, an online meeting place to exchange tips and experiences of parents for parents, to recommend sites for our kids, share photos, reviews, and why not, make new friends . And secondly, also includes a social network only for children identified by their parents, Cool Kids.
Club Penguin virtual world
where children can register and create a character or avatar, interact with each other, play games and enter chat rooms which are under the supervision of moderators to prevent inappropriate behavior . This network is aimed for children 6 to 14 years.
Moshi Monsters Web
games where kids can adopt a monster, to care for and interact with other monsters. Require the approval of parents to register.
website where children can share videos online, completely safe and supervised. Thanks to various competitions and activities to motivate users to participate and encourage their creativity and share ideas.
BoomBang is a virtual chat to make friends, create your own island, and fun way to interact with others. BoomBang is a safe and controlled by moderators to ensure the safety of minors.
an online virtual world where children play, learn English and can make new friends.
Gang Gang
Telmex is designed to be a place of entertainment, learning and a forum for expression for children. Through its sections each find something that interests you, from sending his own jokes and see tuition assistance, to hear music from the gang and its own network of friends.