home care in older people in Spain with a specific pathology is a service that has been increasing in recent years due to increased population aging in some cases are associated with diseases crónicas.A Sometimes this care is made by same family and in other cases healthcare professionals who perform this service through partner health care companies, the volunteers that depends on the regional councils of each province or by the hospital social service. Basically, care for the elderly focuses on the patient's toilet, mobility, medication administration oral prescribed by your doctor, support, food aid, dressings etc, if necessary. All of the above at the level of care would be the basics, but also to listen, discuss, share and live moments that make everyday situations build relationships that promote the welfare of the elderly sick. consider important health education as a basic tool in preventive action. Health promotion is part of the care of the elderly and help them maintain their independence and avoid the appearance of disease. Excerpt from article published in Home Care Nursing Excellence Author: Silvia Torres Penedo Link associated with home care items: Dependency Act: http://www.imsersomayores.csic.es/productos/dependencia
Today I woke up tired, not miniatures, but some situations that are created in groups foreros because we are many and all we can not "taste". has reached a point that respect "absent" and I decided to go to the forums, in which I no longer feel comoda.Esta note I write for those I appreciate and are wondering where I am or why I'm gone, I think they are owed a explicación.De Anyway, while I'll stop here.
Nutrition is the food intake in relation to dietary needs of the organism. Good nutrition (adequate and balanced diet combined with regular physical exercise) is a fundamental element of good health.
Poor nutrition can reduce immunity, increase vulnerability to disease, alter the physical and mental development, and reduce productivity. Ten
nutrition data: Nutrition is one of the pillars health and development. In people of all ages better nutrition can boost the immune system, fewer illnesses and enjoy a more robust health.
Healthy children learn better. Healthy people are stronger, more productive and is better able to break the cycle of poverty and realize their full potential.
a result of rising food prices and declining agricultural productivity, food security in the world is increasingly threatened, which could lead to increased malnutrition. By contrast, some populations are facing a dramatic increase in obesity.
This "Figures and data "describes the risks posed by malnutrition and nutrition are discussed throughout the life cycle and ways to improve the nutritional health worldwide. Information obtained from the WHO World Health Organization www.who.int /
This is another scene has many "art" made by compañeras.El range you see, is the bobbin and I did my friend Ana (Tatina) along with carpets, Nuala, who gave me the hat and the bag with the magazine and towel . The pot and put on the trunk, my friend gave me Marini (the dress her mom made me heh, heh), the bags are Auxi, Lolilla the trunk of the book that is over the chair came from Mexico, the hand of my teacher Rosamargarita, dress the doll is Lany and aspirin and the box gave me Marilaz.La quilt was made by my friend Carmela, the fact that a lot.
This time if I think I have not forgotten any partner, I just hope you like it all the site that placed its minis and from here to thank those little treasures that I have been giving, in addition to its amistad.Un kiss for all and graciaaaaaaas!
Reviewing the material I had saved for when I illuminate the light bulb has gone .... this escena.Los furniture painted in a stage of "blue" I went .. with the help of Cantimpalo I did the milk, the small is my first character modeling for me and most of the little details have been companions as gifts, Raquel, Marini, Kyrani, Sadenisa and some more which I apologize for not remember who sent me some little things in the scene.
Instead of focusing on their children, Rakesh Thakkar, up, use your iPhone during dinner. Parents are encouraged to read and interact with their children. Children get frustrated when text messaging or Twitter become a priority.
The concern about cell phones, instant messaging and Twitter focuses on how this affects the kids who use technology constantly. However, the use of such technology by parents, and the effect it has on their children-is becoming a source similar alarm for some child development researchers.
Sherry Turkle, director of the Initiative on Technology and the Massachusetts Institute I of Technology, studies how the use of technology by parents affects children and young adults.
After five years three hundred interviews, found that feelings of hurt, jealousy and competition are widespread. In their studies, Dr. Turkle said, "and again the children raised the same three examples of being injured and not wanting to show when her mother or father were devoted to their devices instead of paying attention: at meals, when they were going to get to school or any activity extracurricular as well as during sporting events. "
Dr. Turkle notes that recognizes the pressure felt by adults in terms of being available to work, but adds that there is a force greater than leads to further revise the screen.
"There's something so absorbing that characterizes the interaction of people with the screens," he says. "I have spoken with guys trying to make their parents to stop sending text messages while driving and meet the greatest resistance: 'One more, just one more quick, my love. "It's like saying:' A drink more '. "
While waiting for the elevator in a business near his home in Virginia, Im Janice, who works in child development, recently witnessed an incident between a boy and his mother.
The boy, Im estimates that about two years should have made repeated attempts to talk to the mother, but she looked up from his Blackberry. "He called again and again, remember Im, until he began to pat his leg. She replied, 'Wait a second'. "Finally, Im account, the child was so frustrated he started screaming and trying to bite his leg.
Not all child development specialists believe that the use of smartphones and laptops by parents is necessarily a bad thing. Parents always have to divide their attention, and researchers say there is a difference between quantity and quality in relation to discussions between parents and children.
"It comes down to quality time, and time is not as distracted. I mean when the parents checked the newspaper or your BlackBerry, "said Frederick J. Zimmerman, a professor School of Public Health at the University of California, Los Angeles, who studies how television can distract parents. Also notes that smartphones and laptops allow parents to spend more time at home, which, in turn, translates into more quality time.
There is little research on how the constant use of technology from parents affects children, but experts say there is no doubt that parenting committed-talk with the children-remains the basis of learning in early childhood.
The famous book by Betty Hart and Todd R. Risley, significant differences in the daily experience of American children , 1995, shows that parents who give their children a language-rich environment to help them develop an extensive vocabulary, supporting them to learn to read.
The book relates the language used at home with socioeconomic status. According to their findings, children with higher socioeconomic hear an average of 2 000 153 words per hour, while working-class households only 1 000 251.
Hart, now a professor emeritus of Life Span Institute at the University of Kansas, said that more research is needed to determine if the constant use of mobile Smart and other technology interfere with communication between parents and children. However, he expressed the hope that more parents to discuss how the use of electronic devices may limit its ability to meet the needs of their children.
Meredith Sinclair, mother and blogger of Wilmette, Illinois, said he did not know what catches your addiction to the Internet affected their children until established a limitation of Internet usage between 16 and 20 hours. "I can not do both," he says. "If I'm connected, the temptation is too strong."